Friday, March 30, 2007


se7en (grabbed from someplace special)

1) Write down 7 things that piss you off (in no certain order).
  • the sound of people chewing with their mouths ajar
  • the long wait for someone to answer their damned cellphone
  • barkadas that walk laterally (effectively blocking and slowing down all commuter traffic)
  • missing the start of the movie
  • assholes who don't do mercy rounds (when you sneek a look at them, they look bored, like wasting your hard-earned cash is no biggie)
  • jeepney drivers that stop for everything
  • the sound of metal on metal
2) Now 7 things that make you happy.
  • cream-puff! hello panda!
  • walking home in the middle of the afternoon
  • completion
  • the empty-tummy feeling (means i didn't overeat)
  • nature stuff: a clear evening sky, falling leaves, bouganvilla in bloom
  • singin'
  • fighting someone who appreciates Panda (coz he's low tier, but still kicks ass)
3) 7 fun things that you wish you could get paid to do for a living.
  • do expeditions, discover new places, go spelunkin'
  • learn, go, be good at surfing
  • learn martial arts or how to use some fancy weapon like a Naginata or that fan Kitana has, or Kurapika's chain thingie
  • be a sword-for-hire, and be good at it too. of course, should include a license to kill.
  • have my own udon shop (and learn how to make good noodles, too)
  • play my sax, sing a song, all day long
  • do reviews (movie, food, event, etc.)

Monday, March 26, 2007

faveIcon.ico and web-vanity

If you've run around the internet long enough, you've probably bookmarked a page or two and noticed that these pages have a special icon beside them once they get into your list of frequented sites. This thought quickly passes though and you move on with you life.

Well, just in case you wanted to know what the hell that icon is and how the hell they put it there, read on.

The icon beside the bookmark (and, if you're using Firefox, the icon beside the URL in your address bar) is usually called 'faveIcon.ico'. If you're interested in getting one of those, use this online icon editor I used which worked fine.

Now, sticking this little icon into your page is as simple as using this special HTML tag:

<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/~your_directory/faveicon.ico">

... which you simply stick(for the unversed in HTML, don't forget to change the "/~your_directory/" to wherever you uploaded the icon in the net) inside your page somewhere (although some sites suggest you put it inside the <head> tag). For multiply, they said you put it "in your title" and I assume they meant inside the site title on your multiply home page. I'll test later, since the last step can only be done when I've finished this post.

This last step is for multiply users (or for those who can't find a place to upload that damned .ico file). A problem you'll encounter when working with the 'faveIcon.ico' file is it's extension. Photobucket, friendster, livejournal and multiply don't like the .ico extension (or any other image extension that isn't .png, .gif, or .jpg).

The work around I found was to upload the icon into a multiply post using the 'attachment' option and hence, I'm posting this.

Three cheers to the new icon and web-vanity! Hip Hip Hurrah! Hip Hip Hurrah! Hip Hip Hurrah!

EDIT: Stupid multiply won't let me stick the icon code inside the site title. Currently looking for people who know how to bypass this. I guess some people got away with it when multiply wasn't using the spiffy new "edit site" interface. damn.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


It is over.

Words, emotions escape me.

There's just nothing more to say.

But more importantly, there is nothing more to do.

'Cept of course for those damned revisions, but those are problems sitting on the distant shore of tomorrow. An ocean of sleep lies between me and any worry, I'm gonna enjoy swimming that calm sea tonight.

And special mention to my lady luck Melay. Your smile -- which blew me away, by the way (rhyme!) -- marked today's transition from 'yuck!' to 'yey!'.

I knew everythin's gonna be alright, when you shined those pearly whites (rhyme!).

Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm scared I write really long sentences, too (MS Word says so)

I haven't been posting any personal stuff in a while. All because I'm afraid that if I posted about anything, it'd probably be about the same old dreary topic of how long Thesis -- he just celebrated his second year in development, a begrudged capital 'T' is in order -- has latched on to the emancipated shell that is now my life.

Well, emancipated life, sure. The reality's a bit bulkier, though. Empty carcasses of Hello Panda's lie inside the garbage bags outside our house, a fibrous testament to the engorged appetite I've been having lately.

To work off the stress (mr.) Thesis has been dumping into me, I've been working out regularly too. Making sure there's a steady supply of endorphins seeping down my spine to keep that smile stuck on my face. Works wonders for the mood, but I've been forced to wrestle with my weight. The cliche-d "cutting down on rice" routine seems to be even-ing out the field so I'm not too worried.

That aside, today marks the last day of core programming for Thesis. The core modules are complete and the objectives have been addressed. All that's left now is a few cosmetic additions -- a logo and a few 'invalid input' warnings -- and I'll be off to my adviser tomorrow for some counselling and (with luck) a schedule for defense.

Instead, I'm here now, updating (the handful of) people on what's been going on in my life.

I've been blog-hopping -- a gerund and a made up word all-in-one, my old english teachers should be writhing in throes of syntactic suffering right about now -- and I found toshi, vince and boggley. I loved how they composed their phrases, and I can't help but feel shame for my 'kahig ng manok' I call writing. The 4 words I added to my growing list of "really interesting words most people understand but never get to use in actual conversation" are enough proof.

I'd tell them I adored their blog but my head kept screaming "fanboy-ing over someones blog?!? what the heck is wrong with you?!?" and cynically, it's probably just because their quite cute on their avatars.

At least their links are here. If ever I feel the urge to ogle -- read: cyber-stalk --, I'll always have this post as reference.

Anyway, time to slink back into the pincer-like embrace of Thesis. The backlog of pictures and movies I've been meaning to post will be addressed soon. I look forward to it, the day turning on the pc didn't entail exclusive day-long java coding. Sigh.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Heroes Personality Teste

Yeah! Fave char! Sucks though what happened to her in the series.

Taken from my just-as-infatuated sis.
Eden McCain
You scored 41 Idealism, 58 Nonconformity, 37 Nerdiness
I think you really want a donut.Congratulations, you're Eden McCain! You've got a colorful past, and your persuasive abilities are second to none. In addition, you're a quick thinker with a solid amount of guts.Your best quality: The art of persuasionYour worst quality: A fondness for some stereotypically "bad" behavior

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 99% on Idealism
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You scored higher than 99% on Nonconformity
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You scored higher than 99% on Nerdiness
Link: The Heroes Personality Test written by freedomdegrees on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test