Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Pietra mossa non fa muschio

A rolling stone gathers no moss, so my dad tells me when I mention the rut I am happily in. It was a lot of work, actually, developing the habits bums all over the world religiously follow immediately after waking up noonish. The eat, sleep and watch-tv cycle (with a bit of online surfing to suck out any productive hours left) done over and over but never refined felt great after the utter hell of a summer (and college in general) I put myself through.

But now, the break is over. Time to move on (yet again) with an agitated leg shaking, like some sugar loaded crack-head, urging me on.

So here goes, the weeks ahead are planned and cash set aside. I doze off, optimistic, at a civilized hour of 9-ish.

And then I got sick.

5 days of lying in bed, weak, tired, disappointed and sporting an enthralling headache ingrained the slothfulness even deeper.

Recovered and optimistic once more, I rest my weary head on a worn pillow early Sunday night looking forward to the new week ahead and the inevitable accomplishments to follow.

Then I woke up late, and continued waking up (even later) the next few days and before I knew it, the stormy season had settled in. The urge to venture 16kms back to Manila and settle delayed accounts seemed unmusterable.

It's like fate is hampering me, chance is my hindrance.

Among the goals I outlined 2 weeks ago on my phone's "To Do List", none of them ever got finished (although the "upload hell of a lot of pictures" sorta got an impetus) and staring at it now, disappointment settled back in.

But I put down the phone and stared out the window into the rain and I recounted how 2 weeks could have passed by so quickly and shortly found my satisfactory answer.

Spending more time with my friends, grooming for a healthier approach to life, sorting out stuff at home and resting my nerves, I think my time was well spent.

And just to push things over the top, I spent most of those days with a certain bloke that dances and enjoys mcdo food too much.

If there was any better way to start the rainy season, it'd have to involve heaven and a solid gold toilet.

Happiness, as my dad understood the proverb, sorta just rolls along once you start. Cumulatively, in this case.

Hard Gay- Ramen Shop (English Subtitles)

For people with blocked youtubes, a bypass care of your friendly comsci pre-graduate. EDIT: Aww, crap... Youtube just posted a damned link. Here's a fix...

EDIT: Embedding doesn't work with lj's either, huh? EDIT: Tadaaah!http://gelangenie.multiply.com/journal/item/50

Bypass! (Worth watching too)

Let's see if this works


Tuesday, July 4, 2006

pretty perfect, in it's grand ways

It's so easy to be disappointed nowadays, so natural to slide into the cynical, so comfortable to be sardonic. In this day and age, people have come to respect and, by themselves, realize "playing it safe" as the way to go. Dreams don't come true, princes don't gallop in and frogs stay frogs, kiss or no kiss. Fairy tales are just that, tales. People who learn not to risk themselves are a hard bunch, the glint in their eyes are gone and innocence swept away by deceptive thoughts of maturity.

But life is, truly, stranger than fiction. Better even, in it's chaos and randomness that churn out joy and bliss at the blink of an eye. When life comes a'flying in through your bedroom window you'd best be on your feet and a'moving. All it takes is the right wind, the right phase of the moon, and the next thing you know opportunity is offering you the world and lady luck's teeth are shining down from fields of clovers. She breaks down your hard walls and puts back the shine in your eyes in the most unexpected ways.

There are no fields of clover though, only fields of good and bad intentions sown with your own sweat. In the middle, standing there among tall blades of grass and wildflowers, is opportunity. Always there, always waiting, he extends his big hands and within them he grasps satisfaction and the choice is, and always has been, yours.

There is no luck, i think, in the world. There is only open-mindedness. Optimism, good friends and a smile to oil things out is all you really need to be happy in this world. Risk everything, believe in a higher power and you'd be surprised how quickly the scenery changes, how quickly the grass gets greener on your side of the fence.

Dreams have a way of coming true when your happy, princes don't have to gallop in when they can whisk you away instead, frogs stay frogs but they've got hearts beating to the tune of the world. Fairy tales are just that, tales. Life, stranger than any fiction, can never be as fanciful, but pretty perfect in it's grand ways.