* Section 1: YOU YOU YOU! *
+ Known as: Dean, Din, Din^2, Dani (w/ an I, not an NY), Danilo, Didinskee, Moi^2
+ Lives in: a house luckily placed in paranaque
+ Birthday: the 15th of April in the year of 1985
+ School: University of the Philippines, Manila
+ Shoe size: 10 (i think... I never keep track)
+ Hair color: bleak black (with odd streaks of brown in the sunlight)
+ Eye color: plain ol' brown
+ hair Style: barber's cut(astrophe)
* Section 2 - Have you ever... *+ Cheated on someone? nope
+ Been Cheated on? i hope not
+ Fallen off the bed?: we've got pretty big beds here so, nope
+ Broken someones heart?: i hope not
+ Had your heart broken?: oh crap, yes
+ Had a dream come true?: dejavu is one of my middle names
+ Done something you regret? why regret when you can forget?
+ Cheated on a test? haha, yes
* Section 3 - Currently *+ Wearing? something a baller would wear
+ Listening to?: morning musume, if you recognize this... GUILTY!
+ Located?: in my room
+ Chatting with? nobody of course! it's 9 in the morning, geez!
+ Watching? what an awful waste of electricity it would be if I had an answer for this
+ Should REALLY be doing?: a long delayed, much lamented, thesis
* Section 4 - Do you... *+ Brush your teeth?: course!
+ Have any piercings?: not yet ~giggle~
+ Drive?: theoretically
+ Drink?: Does warm beer taste like piss?
+ Smoke?: when the occasion demands
* Section 5 - The last person you... *+ Hugged?: Mumzie
+ Kissed?: Mumzie (kinda boring answers, eh?)
+ IMed?: Mannix, about a certain shindig to be done on a saturday night
+ Talked on the phone: Allan, about certain rocks that were SUPPOSED to have dazzled me this morning
+ Yelled at?: meh? yell? well, there was this horror movie I saw last month...
* Section 6 - Personal *+ What do you want to be when you finish college?: Accomplished and Employed
+ What has been the best day of your life?: today, nothing beats today
+ What comes first in your life?: promises
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: yep!
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: I hope i fall asleep, I hope I... snore...
+ Did you lose someone you really loved?: not lost, more separated
+ How many times have you fallen in love?: well, I'm a sucker for good songs so, lotsa times
+ Love your family?: yeah, as much as I don't really show it
+ Love your friends?: I'd die for them. Then again, I think I have a death wish.
* Section 7 - Favorite *+ Movie: Merlin and Romy and Michelle's, lotsa more actually
+ Song: Terminal
+ Store: Artwork, damn cheap!
+ Sport: up for a swim, taken by biking and begging for badminton. tekken in between, of course
+ Ice Cream Flavor: maro (italian and spanish for blackberry) gelati
+ Fruit: lychee
+ Candy: do m&m's count?
+ Day of the Week: TGIF!
+ Time: sleepy time
+ Color: caked blood underneath fingernails red
* Section 8 - Do you *
+ Like to give hugs? yeah!
+ Like to give kisses? yeah!
+ Like to walk in the rain? rain and me? we go WAY back.
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: I prefer lead actually, hence my awful handwriting
+ Like to travel?: who doesn't? I'mma wanderlustin', beb!
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back? : my twisted bed covers are a testament to the inapplicability of this question
+ Have a goldfish?: not really a fan of aquariums
+ Ever have the falling dream?: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo... umph!
+ Have stuffed animals?: Well, it's either I do or a dragon, a panda and a poring are hanging out on my TV set right now.
* Section 9 - What do you think about... *
+ Smoking: To each, his own
+ Eating disorders: If I told you to eat more, it's a compliment (wth is wrong with this society?)
+ Summer: take me to the beaches, beb!
+ Tattoos: haha... damned image boards.
+ Piercings: as long as it's not my heart
* Section 10 - This or that *+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue, I'm not a show-off
+ Single or taken?: taken, in a floating disk full of little green men
+ Sugar or salt?: sugar!
+ Silver or gold?: silver is the new gold, daw
+ Chocolate or flowers?: shocklits!
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? color, black and white photos strike me as trying too hard to be artistic sometimes.
+ M&Ms or Skittles? m&ms. crispy.
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: why pick when you can do both!
+ Hot or cold?: Cold, the manly way to take a shower since the Ice Age
+ Mustard or ketchup?: it's actually an insult in some cultures to use condiments
+ Spring or Fall?: fall, take me to NYC, quick!
+ Happy or sad? : happy. could be happier though if you hand me that sandwich.
+ Wonder or amazement? wonder. it has the ring of awe as opposed to amazement which reeks of surprise.