Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I guess it was bound to happen. Waning interest and dwindling users have finally taken its toll, and Multiply has decided to discontinue their social services this December.  Even before, friends have been chiding me about my choice of syndication; "Still on Multiply?" they would tease with snide astonishment.

Now, I earnestly sympathize with those senile crackpots they feature on TV who, despite practical or sane reason, refuse to leave their broken-down homes filled with peeling wallpaper, yellowed photographs, and the smell of bygone days. This hallowed husk of history isn't pretty, but I cherish it because it grew to be a part of who I am. I've put a lot of myself into this place and made a sanctuary of it, even if it's all rickety and dated.

Inevitably, I must move on. So I'm salvaging what I can and found a new home.

Photo credit: Kaleel Sakakeeny

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