Well, emancipated life, sure. The reality's a bit bulkier, though. Empty carcasses of Hello Panda's lie inside the garbage bags outside our house, a fibrous testament to the engorged appetite I've been having lately.
To work off the stress (mr.) Thesis has been dumping into me, I've been working out regularly too. Making sure there's a steady supply of endorphins seeping down my spine to keep that smile stuck on my face. Works wonders for the mood, but I've been forced to wrestle with my weight. The cliche-d "cutting down on rice" routine seems to be even-ing out the field so I'm not too worried.
That aside, today marks the last day of core programming for Thesis. The core modules are complete and the objectives have been addressed. All that's left now is a few cosmetic additions -- a logo and a few 'invalid input' warnings -- and I'll be off to my adviser tomorrow for some counselling and (with luck) a schedule for defense.
Instead, I'm here now, updating (the handful of) people on what's been going on in my life.
I've been blog-hopping -- a gerund and a made up word all-in-one, my old english teachers should be writhing in throes of syntactic suffering right about now -- and I found toshi, vince and boggley. I loved how they composed their phrases, and I can't help but feel shame for my 'kahig ng manok' I call writing. The 4 words I added to my growing list of "really interesting words most people understand but never get to use in actual conversation" are enough proof.
I'd tell them I adored their blog but my head kept screaming "fanboy-ing over someones blog?!? what the heck is wrong with you?!?" and cynically, it's probably just because their quite cute on their avatars.
At least their links are here. If ever I feel the urge to ogle -- read: cyber-stalk --, I'll always have this post as reference.
Anyway, time to slink back into the pincer-like embrace of Thesis. The backlog of pictures and movies I've been meaning to post will be addressed soon. I look forward to it, the day turning on the pc didn't entail exclusive day-long java coding. Sigh.
gudlak sa sp dani-yo!! >:D<!--
ReplyDeletegosh dani, kaya mo yan! konting ire na lang like you said before. ehehe. *huggzz*
ReplyDeleteOH GOD!!! my brain screams: bleed! BLEED! BLEE~D!!!its 5:52 am: crazy talk time!!!