Wednesday, October 5, 2005

I've come to terms with the fact that I can't write as freely and as openly as before. I guess that the simple knowledge of how publicly available my thoughts could be now that I post them online blunts my points and dulls my wit to such an extent as double-taking on every other word.

Anyway, it's not like I have much of an audience to be shy about, which is a perfect irony and every bit as hilarious. I'd laugh but i just realized I'm the butt of my own joke. Then again, laughs are free and joy, fleeting, so a big 'haha' to me.

Lightening up the mood a bit, I just finished watching 'A Love Song for Bobby Long' which calmly starts and promptly introduces itself as an indi movie(with a list of first-time heard production companies) and drops you in the middle of a promising drama of a jaded teenage girl and her confrontation with her mother's past and finally her life. It's a great movie and I completely understand why my friend loves it to bits. I'd suggest this movie to anyone taking a Literature course because this one gave me a whole new appreciation for writing and reading.

... And it's got humor, wit and Scarlett Johansson as well as plenty of quotes to ease the whole viewing experience, a definite keeper IMHO.

Happiness makes up in height what it lacks in length.
- Robert Frost